Jumat, 26 Maret 2021

Magic balancer


Magic Balancer

 Magic Balancer

Decentralized Finance is the topic of discussion because of the innovative character of its services which are inclusive (everyone can get the same service, without minimum transactions), open source (transparent, everyone can contribute), non-custodial (service providers do not store data and do not have access to funds from customers) and does not have a middleman because it is regulated by a smart contract so that it saves a lot of costs and has a very flexible space in determining interest rates for both lenders and funders.

And today I would like to invite you to get acquainted with one of the governance token platforms.

Yups, It’s a Magic Balancer,

What is the platform like?

Let’s find out ….

What is Magic Balancer ?

Magic Balancer is a deflationary governance DEFI token that provides exceptional rewards to active users through smart contract protocols, while seamlessly integrating transaction rewards with liquidity rebalancing features.

The MGB token is designed to be sustainable and maximize its value by being truly deflationary and encouraging users to be active while offering exceptional rewards. Every reward token that MGB allocates never compromises the overall supply, which means that the growth of the MGB token will never be difficult. Each Magic Balancer protocol is built to be 100% distrustful and does not require human intervention to operate. This ensures that all Magic Balancer protocols can run forever and will never be disabled by human intervention. This also means that you, as a token holder, will never have to trust anyone for any reason. The only thing you can trust in the crypto space is the code, it never lies,

The best crypto projects are those that provide 100% unreliable protocols and prove this fact with complete code transparency. This is exactly what Magic Balancer offers, this is our core belief and the only way to ever release protocols.

Magic Balancer ensures that its cost per recharge is constantly increasing in value. This is done by temporarily removing some of the liquidity from the MGB / ETH pair, market buying MGB with ETH, and then burning all the remaining MGB. Essentially, the balance of the Uniswap MGB / ETH pair is being restored and the value of the MGB increased relative to ETH.

The MGB token comes from the community and is a flexible community driven project and the future governance of the community can only be achieved through voting.

Magic Balancer Features


Every rebalance $MGB token price can raise up to %2. This can be happens every hour up to 24 times a day! After 1 week Presale end 1 $MGB worth of $4000 for this mechanism.


The exchange is an automated market maker (“AMM”) that allows two tokens to be exchanged on the Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum Mainnet.

ETH ~ BSC Bridge

Mechanism that enables token exchange between cross chains without any impermanent loss.

Magic Balancer Roadmap:

Q1 2021

Development of tokenomics and functions

Development of the contract, front-site and dAPP.

Writing white paper


Launch of MGB at Uniswap and Pankeswap.

Start an influential marketing campaign

Community Development and Partnership Generosity Campaign

Q2 2021

ETH ~ BSC bridge

Reliable project partnership

Q3 2021

MagicSwap launch

Creating an MGB DAO for Management

Transfer of ownership under a management agreement

Q4 2021

Preparing a roadmap for 2022

The $MGB Token

$MGB’s KEY mechanic ensures that it’s uniswap price is constantly increasing in value (Assuming Market pressures are neutral). This is done by temporarily removing a portion of liquidity from the $MGB /ETH pair, market buying $MGB with the ETH, then burning the entirety of the remaining $MGB. Essentially rebalancing the Uniswap $MGB /ETH pair and raising the value of $MGB in relation to ETH.

This token is designed specifically to be integrated into Necromancer’s ecosystem.

The $MGB token is extremely simple and only has two functions.

Function A

1% added to liquidity on sells, buys and txn’s ~ This allows us to constantly have liquidity to execute Function B.

LP Rewards

~ Each time function two is called, all $MGB from function one is distributed to LP providers.

~ All you need to do to get these rewards is provide liquidity.

Once MagicSwap is released

All tax goes to an address to later be added to $MGB /rETH in MagicSwap

Function B

Liquidity Buy and Burn

Function becomes available once an hour and can be called by anyone.

Caller of the function will receive 5% of the $MGB for incentive to spend Gas.(%1 for BSC)

When function is called:

2% of liquidity is removed

The liquidity is then split into ETH and $MGB

ETH market buys $MGB

95% of the MGB is then burned

5% of MGB sent to caller of the function (to incentivize user spending gas, for BSC %1)


Tokenomics for ETH Chain

300,000 MGB — Total Supply https://etherscan.io/token/0xf4f3d6a60765bf705b27716f50fccba5f0ea0ca1

150,000 MGB — Presale

85,000 MGB — Initial Liquidity

35,000 MGB — Marketing, Promotions and Community Engagement.

30,000 MGB — Team Tokens

Presale — 1 ETH = 999 $MGB ($1,9 )

Presale Max Buy = 3 ETH ($5,700)

Initial Listing — 1 ETH = 799 $MGB ($2.38) ~ %25 higher than presale

Presale Hardcap = 30 ETH ($57,000)

70% ETH (21 ETH — $39,900) provided towards liquidity.

20% ETH (6 ETH — $11,400) provides future development, partnerships, marketing, community building, cex listing and expanding team.

10% ETH (3 ETH — $5,700*) presale referral rewards.

Tokenomics for BSC

300,000 MGB — Total Supply https://bscscan.com/token/0xf78839b9e972cf15014843a7ca5ebf1e321a284c

150,000 MGB — Presale

85,000 MGB — Initial Liquidity

35,000 MGB — Marketing, Promotions and Community Engagement.

30,000 MGB — Team Tokens

Presale — 1 BNB = 99 $MGB ($2,5 )

Presale Max Buy = 30 BNB ($7,500) ~ No min amount

Initial Listing — 1 BNB = 79 $MGB ($3,16) ~ %25 higher than presale

Presale Hardcap = 300 BNB ($75,000)

70% BNB (210BNB — $52,500) provided towards liquidity.

20% BNB (60 BNB — $15,000) provides future development, partnerships, marketing, community building, cex listing and expanding team.

10% BNB (30 BNB — $7,500*) presale referral rewards.

Magic Balancer Community

Official Website : http://magicbalancer.org/

Whitepaper : https://github.com/MagicBalancer/Whitepaper/blob/main/whitepaperv1.pdf

Telegram : https://t.me/magicbalancer

Github : https://github.com/magicbalancer

Medium : https://wizarddefi.medium.com/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/magicbalancer

Snapshot : https://vote.magicbalancer.org

Senin, 22 Maret 2021

Knit project


KNIT Finance

KNIT Finance: Das volle Potenzial von DeFi freisetzen

Da wir alle wissen, dass das Aufkommen der Blockchain-Technologie die Welt schneller und stärker verändert hat, wendet fast jede Branche der Welt die fortschrittlichste Technologie an, nämlich die Blockchain-Technologie. Das Aufkommen der Blockchain hat die Finanzbranche nahtloser und moderner miteinander verbunden. Einerseits ist die Kryptowährung in den letzten Jahren erheblich gewachsen. Diese Entwicklungen verbessern die Kryptowährung und können auf komplexere Finanzfälle angewendet werden. Insbesondere mit dem Knit Finance-Projekt, einem transparenten, einzigartigen und sicheren plattformbasierten Projekt, wird dieses Projekt natürlich die Welt der Kryptowährung schön machen und seinen Nutzern und Investoren enorme Gewinne bringen.


und in diesem Artikel werde ich Ihnen ein qualitativ hochwertiges Projekt vorstellen, das in Zukunft vielversprechend ist. Ich habe getestet und festgestellt, dass dieses Produkt absolut sicher und legal ist. Und nirgendwo sonst gibt es KNIT FINANCE, ein Projekt, das das volle Potenzial von DeFi freisetzt, indem es Cross-Chain überbrückt und synthetisiert.


Über KNIT Finance
KnitFinance ist ein einzigartiges dezentrales Protokoll, das Kunststoffe über mehrere Ketten, Brücken und reale Märkte hinweg mit intelligenten Verträgen mit Rendite-, Kredit-, Handels- und Margendiensten kombiniert. Dies ergibt auch eine kettenübergreifende Liquiditätsaggregation in einer vollständig transparenten, zu 100% überprüfbaren Form. Von der Gemeinschaft geführte Initiative.


STRICKEN. Finance ist die nächste Generation des Defi-Protokolls, das darauf abzielt, in Phase 1 mehrere Nicht-Ethereum-Ketten mit ERC20 zu verbinden. Jedes digitale, abschließbare Asset kann mit KNIT genutzt werden. Finanzieren Sie, indem Sie äquivalente synthetische Token im Verhältnis 1: 1 generieren und so Milliarden von Dollar und Handelszugang freischalten, was zensursicher sein kann.


Alles, was dezentralisiert ist, sollte für jedermann verfügbar sein. Aber DeFi ist heute vorwiegend von ERC-20-Token abhängig. Der ERC-20-Standard hat sich als Anlaufstelle für dezentrale Kreditvergabe, Kreditaufnahme und Ertragslandwirtschaft usw. erwiesen. Dies schließt jedoch die Beteiligung anderer Vermögenswerte unabhängiger Blockchains aus. Diese Vermögenswerte und ihre Hodler haben eine große Barriere für den Zugang zu DeFi. KNIT.finance löst dieses Problem auf einen Schlag.


KNIT.Finance schaltet das gesamte Krypto-Ökosystem mithilfe von kettenübergreifenden Kunststoffen und Brücken für DeFi frei. Bestehende DeFi-Protokolle bestimmen, welche Token und Projekte teilnehmen dürfen. Das dezentrale Protokoll von KNIT Finance nutzt intelligente Verträge, um DeFi-Pools mit Milliarden von Vermögenswerten von Nicht-ERC-20-Ketten zu kombinieren. Durch die Schaffung eines Standards für Nicht-ERC-20-Münzen zur Umwandlung in synthetische ERC-20-Token eröffnet KNIT Finance eine ganze Welt neuer Möglichkeiten.


Jede Münze oder jeder Token in einer Blockchain kann in einen äquivalenten synthetischen Token des ERC-20-Formats konvertiert werden. Das ursprüngliche Token und das synthetisierte Token repräsentieren sich gegenseitig im Verhältnis 1: 1. Im Gegensatz dazu könnten mit KNIT ERC-20-Token auch auf anderen Blockketten im Verhältnis 1: 1 synthetisiert werden. Neben Kryptowährungen können mit KNIT Finance auch reale Vermögenswerte wie Fiat, Gold und Aktien synthetisiert werden.


1. Jede Münze

Für jeden Münzhändler bieten wir die Möglichkeit, seine Münzen im DeFi-Bereich zu handeln und zu nutzen. Münzen (z. B. LTC), die zuvor nicht in den Anwendungsbereich von DeFi fielen, haben jetzt vollständigen Zugriff auf alle Funktionen von DeFi.

2. Flexibilität des ERC-20-Standards

Der ERC-20-Standard ist bekanntermaßen flexibel und verfügt über die höchste Übertragbarkeit und Zugänglichkeit mit dem zweitgrößten Blockchain-Netzwerk der Welt. Jede Münze hat jetzt die Möglichkeit, die Flexibilität von Ethereum zu nutzen.

3. Globaler Liquiditätspool

Ein globaler Liquiditätspool wird für Ethereum geöffnet und umgekehrt.

4. Read-World-Assets

Aktien, Gold und Fiat können synthetisiert werden, um an dezentralen Börsen gehandelt zu werden. Dabei werden zentralisierte Vermögenswerte im Wesentlichen dezentralisiert, wodurch der Händler mehr Macht erhält.

5. Community-gesteuert

Die 100% ige Steuerung dieser Token erfolgt durch die Community.

6. DAPPs

DAPPs können jetzt über die synthetischen Token von KNIT nur mit ihren Ethereum-Knoten auf Token auf anderen Blockchains zugreifen. Sie können auch Zahlungen in diesen Token erhalten.



Ich habe das Projekt gründlich recherchiert, bevor ich es der Community vorgestellt habe. Lassen Sie mich in meinen nächsten Artikeln mehr über KNIT.Finance erfahren. Danke



Knit project


Knit Finance Next Gen Defi (Decentralized Finance)



About Knit Finance
KNIT FINANCE is a unique decentralized protocol that combines multi-chain aggregation, Bridge market and real world with yield, land, trade and escrow services through smart contracts. This also allows for cross-chain liquidity aggregation with 100% fully verifiable transparency. It is known that the next generation of the DeFi protocol aims to connect multiple non-Ethereum chains to ERC20 in Phase 1. Any digital, lockable asset can be leveraged with KNIT to unlock billions of dollars and commercial access can be proof of censorship. KNIT Finance provides the power of non-ethereum tokens with the versatility of ERC20 tokens. Aggregate assets are used to represent any crypto asset or real-world entity and are easily accessible and transferable. KNIT Finance allows you to convert a coin to an equivalent ERC20 synthetic asset. Likewise, any ERC20 token can be aggregated on another blockchain. Real-world entities like gold, stocks, and even fiat money can be attached to these assets.
KNIT FINANCE engraving will help simplify decentralized trade and DAPP payments. Coins that are restricted to centralized exchanges can now be traded on DEXs. ERC20 nodes are enough for DAPP to process transactions of various currencies and accept payments in these currencies.

Why Choose KNIT.Finance?

Lend, Trade, and Yield Farm with Any Asset

Knit.Finance creates incredible opportunities for both altcoins and Ethereum DeFi. The protocol onboards new assets to the highly liquid Ethereum network and allows them to be plugged into existing yield generating opportunities.

Ethereum DeFi grows and altcoins generate new utilities.

Cross-Chain Bridges for Maximum Interoperability
Knit.Finance has created proprietary bridges to port altcoins on to the Ethereum network. These wrapped tokens are unique form of synthetic asset that is backed 1:1 by the represented altcoin

Tap into the Physical World with Digital Assets
Knit.Finance provides synthetic assets for exposure to physical world assets, providing a novel opportunity for portfolio diversification within Ethereum DeFi. Knit supports commodities, equities, and fiat.

Token Economics and Features KNIT Finance

1. Every Coin

For every coin hodler, we provide an option to trade and leverage their coins in the DeFi space. Coins (E.g.: LTC) that were previously out of DeFi’s scope will now have complete access to all of DeFi’s features.

2. Flexibility of ERC-20 standard

ERC-20 standard is known to be flexible, possessing the highest transferability and accessibility with the world’s second-largest blockchain network. Every coin now has the opportunity to leverage Ethereum’s flexibility.

3. Global Liquidity Pool

A global liquidity pool is being opened to Ethereum and vice versa.

4. Read-World Assets

Stocks, Gold, and Fiat can be synthesized to trade on Decentralized Exchanges, essentially decentralizing centralized assets, giving more power to the trader.

5. Community-Driven

100% governance of these tokens will be through the community.

6. DAPPs

DAPPs can now access tokens on other blockchains using only their Ethereum nodes via KNIT’s synthetic tokens. They can also receive payments in these tokens


So I have introduced the most general way about this project, all necessary information is complete in the article. Knowing that KNIT FINANCE is a great thing, the project has many interesting points and I think their products will definitely be well-received by users. In addition, the partnerships with KNIT FINANCE are also very good, KNIT FINANCE is running many programs to promote themselves and nothing promoting better than themselves must be an excellent and potential project and I found that KNIT FINANCE. Hopefully in the coming time KNIT FINANCE will publish more information related to the token, I firmly believe that many people are looking forward to this. 

For more information knit finance,Follow:

Website: https://knit.finance/

Telegram: https://t.me/knitfinance

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KnitFinance-106586011273309

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/knitfinance

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KnitFinance

Medium: https://knitfinance.medium.com/

Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5324900.0


Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021





 iGaming platform driven by a community that makes constant changes and iterations based on user feedback

Bitfresh is a blockchain-based, community-based social iGaming experience that pays dividends to players. The platform is filled with a reward system to provide players with multiple ways to win and make money over time BitFresh uses blockchain technology to create a decentralized platform, where the gaming process is efficient, transparent and proves to be fair. BitFresh will take advantage of the maximum capabilities of blockchain technology, using the TRON network to provide gamers with a variety of benefits which include: Low commission fees, fast transactions, minimum bets, increased security, non-custodial betting, and dividend payouts.

A DApp is an application that runs without a backend on a decentralized computer system - for example, on the blockchain. Therefore, dApp takes advantage of the main advantages of blockchain: transparency, reliability, and data immutability. DAPP (Decentralized Application) consists of backend code that runs on a decentralized peer-to-peer network. DAPP can also have a user interface built on the front that accesses the back. No central server is required for DAPP to function: the interaction between the user and the provider is direct.

The advent of blockchain technology and other digital assets has changed the way the world today manages and conducts transactions. This technology has been adopted by various industries including the iGaming industry to enhance the existing methods in carrying out their daily business activities. The transparency and immutability of blockchain technology helps create unique experiences for players in the online gaming space.


1. iGaming

iGaming consists of playing casino games, poker and / or sports betting over the internet. Factors such as advances in available technology (e.g. smartphones and apps), higher trust from gamblers who pay online, and the increasing digitization of the world, have made the iGaming market experience tremendous growth in many regions around the world.

The online gambling and odds industry is huge, with a market size of USD 53.7 billion in 2019 for online gambling and USD 7.5 billion for online lotteries. Europe dominates the market in 2019 with a total of USD 22.0 billion. The gambling market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.5% from 2020 to 2027, forecasting a capitalization of USD 127.3 billion at that point. The convenience of cashless payment modes during gaming is likely to increase the iGaming market, during the forecast period.

2. Fair Play

Fair gaming has always been a topic of discussion among the Casino and its customers, GVC started its fair game initiative in 2018, while there is also a fair gambling codex that describes adequate operating requirements for casinos and consumers. Blockchain gambling is also on the list of trends for 2020.


Bitfresh provides a secure and transparent blockchain-based gaming platform that offers a variety of games for interested users. There are famous and new games. Choose from a variety of variations and enjoy your time. Thanks to blockchain technology, the whole process is completely secure and you don't have to worry about the fairness of the platform. Bitfresh prides not only on the excellent design and aesthetic satisfaction of using our platform, but also in a completely safe and fair gaming experience. One of our goals is to present a decentralized system that makes the whole experience 100% untrustworthy and manipulation free.

The Bitfresh platform offers online casino games such as classic dice, coin flip, classic slots, 3D slots and many more. Many of these games were developed and deployed on the Bitfresh platform using the TRON ecosystem. Bitfresh is built on top of the TRON ecosystem because TRON offers a comfortable and convenient architecture for iGaming deployments.

1. Transparency & Fairness

Blockchain technology is considered as the means by which true transparency can be encouraged in certain businesses in a digital context. Bitfresh will use "distributed ledger" blockchain technology to verify transactions on the platform, eliminating the need for third parties

2. Community Driven

Bitfresh is proud to be the first community. We want to build the first community-based iGaming platform where our players and community suggest our roadmap. Bitfresh will be built on the feedback and suggestions of its community, and we want to keep it that way as we grow.

3. Innovative Game Mechanics

At Bitfresh, we aim to disrupt the industry not only by leveraging blockchain but also by implementing innovative gaming mechanisms to increase user engagement and retention. These include configurable and expandable auto bets, token mining when gambling, hidden surprise jackpots, a dividend-paying system, and a complete gamification of the whole experience.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a community-based iGaming platform that makes continuous improvements based on user feedback. Its main goal is to create a fair and trusted environment for stakeholders and gamers.

- Recognized as the first iGaming platform driven by the community.

- Growing and changing as blockchain technology advances.

- Give an example of how a blockchain company should act in their community.

At a core level, we want to make the concept of decentralized gaming a reality. Most importantly, our main vision is to provide a gambling ecosystem with trust, safety and fairness.

Our vision is to be a community-driven iGaming platform that makes constant changes and iterations based on user feedback. Its main goal is to create a fair and trusted environment for stakeholders and gamers.

We want to be recognized as the first iGaming platform driven by the community

We want to be one of the first major blockchain-based iGaming platforms

We want to help move the iGaming industry in the right direction with proven fair play and true transparency

We would like to refer to how successful decentralized projects will be through the next generation of the token economy

Players can earn in various ways on the BitFresh platform

Players can get through:

Reference Program


Dividend System


Token Name: BitFresh Token

Symbol Token: BFT

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

Token Type: TRC-20 TRON Token Based

Token Types: 18 TRON Based Tokens

The BFT will initially not be able to be withdrawn at launch to keep the trade from hurting the initial mining incentives. Unlike other platforms which hold the token hostage for an unknown period of time, withdrawals will be opened and the BFT token will be listed on the exchange three months after launch.


A total of 1,000,000,000 BFT tokens will be issued and allocated as follows:

5% of BFT tokens will be allocated for Staking

5% of BFT tokens will be allocated to Advisors

5% of BFT tokens will be allocated to Early Supporters

10% of BFT tokens will be allocated for Public Sale

5% of BFT tokens will be allocated for Bonus Mechanics

20% of BFT tokens will be allocated to Teams

50% of BFT tokens will be allocated to Players


Q4 2020

• Development of a whitepaper • Establishment


• Coin & dice return game

• Initial mining system

• Launch of alpha platform

• Pre-launch campaign & rewards program

Q1 2021

• Improved accessibility

• Launching

official main network • BFT mining commences

• Referral program

Q2 2021

• Addition of new in-house games

• Token issuance and initial sale

• Dividend group prizes

• Jackpot system

• List of tokens

Q3 2021

• The addition of new cryptocurrencies

• Improved mobile experience

• Daily gambling mission

• Player items

Q4 2021

• The token burn started

• Level & achievement system

• New games & integration with Game providers


These documents are marketing documents and are not intended to be legally binding. Nothing in this document constitutes a prospectus of any kind or an invitation to invest, nor does it relate to an offer or solicitation to purchase any securities in any jurisdiction. This document does not constitute an offer to sell, or solicitation to buy, interest in any jurisdiction that prohibits making such an offer or solicitation. The information in this document does not constitute a recommendation by anyone, nor does it constitute advice on the benefits of participating in the purchase of Draw tokens or tokens or other cryptographic currencies. The information contained in this document has also not been approved by any regulatory body or government authority in any form.

Certain statements contained in this document may be forward-looking statements or talk about future events or plans. Such forward-looking statements or information involve both known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events to differ materially.


Join the Bitfresh Ambassador Program: https://vrlps.co/01jOhy6/cp

Website: https://www.bitfresh.win/

Whitepaper: https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5fc83b25f02d4d6f1ffd7da4/5fd6d34753c1a12aa9ce02df_bitfresh_whitepaper.pdf

Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5302447

Telegram: https://t.me/bitfresh

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bitfresh.win/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitFreshWIN



ANONYME - 1 ANON = 1 USD (5 Million Tokens)

  Anonyme  1 ANON = 1 USD (5 Million Tokens.


Decentralized Finance or commonly abbreviated as DeFi is a protocol that allows people to be able to run financial applications on a decentralized platform. Usually, the DeFi protocol will consist of several decentralized applications that can maximize the profit of the users. According to a report from CMC, currently, DeFi's market capitalization is USD 15B, which places it as a potential market with opportunities for future growth.

Anonyme is a platform that provides DeFi solutions for global crypto users. This platform provides features such as swap, lend, borrow, and farm - to bring the security, transparency, and inclusiveness of open-source software to the financial world.

Anonyme is an autonomous interest rate protocol

built for programmable liquidity to unlock a universe of open financial applications.

We are inviting the general public to join and benefit from our bounty campaign. This campaign will last for a period of 4 weeks (1 month), so joining it now is better why the offer still last.

Our bounty campaign will reward all participants with a lot of ANON for their activities all through the program.

What is Anonyme?

Anonyme (a French word meaning "Anonymous") is an autonomous interest based protocol that was built for a large number of Ethereum tokens that provide programable liquidity to the platform. It is a protocol that would unlock a universe of open financial applications. In a nutshell, it is a lending and borrowing protocol that would reward participators extensively for their activities in an algorithmic, autonomous ecosystem without ever providing KYC.

Anonyme will also be an automated market making (AMM) decentralized exchange (DEX) currently on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike other swap, Anonyme swap is a community run project that is governed by vote of the community.

Lend, Borrow, and Earn Interest plus other rewards

The ability to lend, borrow, and earn interest in a trustless way is a fundamental breakthrough for financial markets. Anonyme will offer the full stack of technologies that would make this a reality.
Anonyme finance is focused on decentralizing finance with the goal of bringing the security, transparency, and inclusiveness of open-source software to the financial world.

Ecosystem key features

This are some of the features that make us stand out among our competitors.

Safe & Secure
Fully audited smart contracts. Users experience the most transparent, sustainable distribution of risk, ever

Lend risk free, collect ‘Collateral’ earn ‘Interest’ in liquidity pools, underwrite loans for a fee.

Trade with no counterparty risk. Remain in control of your funds at all times.

Anonyme aggregates spot and lending liquidity across multiple assets.

No Registration, No KYC
No sign up required. Start lending & borrowing from anywhere in the world anonymously.

Anonyme Concept

Anonyme Concept

Anonyme concept is base around Lending, Borrowing, and to Earn Interest plus other rewards. The ability to lend, borrow, and earn interest in a trustless way is a fundamental breakthrough for financial markets. Anonyme will offer the full stack of technologies that would make this a reality.

Anonyme finance is focused on decentralizing finance with the goal of bringing the security, transparency, and inclusiveness of open-source software to the financial world.

Anonyme Swap

An automated market making (AMM) decentralized exchange (DEX) currently on the Ethereum blockchain. Anonyme Swap enables a wide range of decentralized use cases by allowing any wallet, website, and application to integrate instant token exchange directly into their application logic.

Instant Settlement : Immediate token-token settlements
Straightforward Integration : No interaction with off-chain components
Fully On-chain : Multiple exchanges in a single transaction. Fully transparent and verifiable.
Liquidity Aggregation : Get the best token rates from multiple liquidity sources
Customizable Business Model : Ability to customise your own spread
Safe & secured : Fully audited smart contracts. Users experience the most transparent, sustainable distribution without ever losing funds.

Anonyme Token Information

Anonyme Token

Token Name: Anonyme

Token Technology: Ethereum ERC-20

Token Symbol: ANON

Maximum Supply: 100,000,000

Decimal: 18

Token Contract: Etherscan Link

Token Distribution

40%: Team (40,000,000 ANON)

50%: Reward - 10,000,000 ANON per year for 5 years. (Liquidity Pool and LOAN Applicant)

10%: Bounty/AirDrop Reward (10,000,000 ANON)

Total Supply: 100,000,000 ANON issued

The protocol is powered by an ERC-20 smart contract.


Thanks for reading this article and using your precious time on here. For Anonyme.Finance they are trying to build something great and unique. We saw dozens of projects without any single usability and we witness their extincion. But on the other hand Anonyme team have a solid idea and they almost finalized their products and services. So in my opinion there isn’t any reason for Anonyme to be successful except one point that giving %40 of total supply to team that’s a little bit weird but remaining ideas and products fine for me.

To get clearer information, please visit the link below:

Website Link : https://anonyme.finance/

Telegram Channel : https://t.me/anonymecommunity

BitcoinTalk ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5288431.msg55568001#msg55568001

Twitter : https://twitter.com/Anonyme_Finance

Github : https://github.com/anonyme-labs

Discord : https://discord.com/invite/Df2p7w9

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