Kamis, 10 Juni 2021

NFD bounty campaign


Review dari Non-Fungible Defi Token NFD


Sistem keuangan global berubah begitu cepat. Integrasi teknologi Blockchain ke dalam Keuangan telah menjadi hal terbaik yang pernah terjadi di bidang keuangan global. Berbeda dengan sistem keuangan tradisional yang ada, keuangan terintegrasi blockchain memberikan ruang untuk transparansi, keamanan, dan aksesibilitas global. Teknologi Blockchain telah menghubungkan ekonomi global bersama-sama, sehingga menjadikannya tempat yang lebih baik dan satu dunia untuk semua . Cryptocurrency Bitcoin adalah cryptocurrency pertama di dunia yang mempelopori misi ini. Sejauh ini, cryptocurrency Bitcoin telah terbukti sangat efektif dan secara bertahap menyelesaikan misinya. Di sisi lain untuk membuat dunia menjadi tempat yang lebih baik untuk semua dan membebaskan penduduk dunia dari kekuasaan tirani pemerintah global yang mengoperasikan dan memanipulasi keuangan, beberapa kelompok ahli keuangan telah menemukan ekonomi Keuangan Terdesentralisasi yang memungkinkan keuangan terdesentralisasi dan memastikan sistem keuangan tanpa gesekan, aman, dan sangat transparan yang dapat diakses oleh semua orang di seluruh dunia. Keuangan Terdesentralisasi yang dikenal sebagai DeFi telah menggemparkan dunia, Ini adalah sistem keuangan yang memungkinkan semua orang terlepas dari lokasi mereka untuk berinvestasi dan mengelola keuangan mereka dengan cara yang terdesentralisasi. Pada artikel ini saya akan membahas secara luas tentang platform DeFi bernama NFD Coin. Ini adalah platform DeFi yang harus diketahui dan diadopsi oleh semua orang. Saya berharap semua orang akan menganggap proyek ini sangat menarik dan bergabung dengan kereta secepat mungkin. sistem keuangan yang aman dan sangat transparan yang dapat diakses oleh semua orang di seluruh dunia. Keuangan Terdesentralisasi yang dikenal sebagai DeFi telah menggemparkan dunia, Ini adalah sistem keuangan yang memungkinkan semua orang terlepas dari lokasi mereka untuk berinvestasi dan mengelola keuangan mereka dengan cara yang terdesentralisasi. Pada artikel ini saya akan membahas secara luas tentang platform DeFi bernama NFD Coin. Ini adalah platform DeFi yang harus diketahui dan diadopsi oleh semua orang. Saya berharap semua orang akan menganggap proyek ini sangat menarik dan bergabung dengan kereta secepat mungkin. sistem keuangan yang aman dan sangat transparan yang dapat diakses oleh semua orang di seluruh dunia. Keuangan Terdesentralisasi yang dikenal sebagai DeFi telah menggemparkan dunia, Ini adalah sistem keuangan yang memungkinkan semua orang terlepas dari lokasi mereka untuk berinvestasi dan mengelola keuangan mereka dengan cara yang terdesentralisasi. Pada artikel ini saya akan membahas secara luas tentang platform DeFi bernama NFD Coin. Ini adalah platform DeFi yang harus diketahui dan diadopsi oleh semua orang. Saya berharap semua orang akan menganggap proyek ini sangat menarik dan bergabung dengan kereta secepat mungkin. Pada artikel ini saya akan membahas secara luas tentang platform DeFi bernama NFD Coin. Ini adalah platform DeFi yang harus diketahui dan diadopsi oleh semua orang. Saya berharap semua orang akan menganggap proyek ini sangat menarik dan bergabung dengan kereta secepat mungkin. Pada artikel ini saya akan membahas secara luas tentang platform DeFi bernama NFD Coin. Ini adalah platform DeFi yang harus diketahui dan diadopsi oleh semua orang. Saya berharap semua orang akan menganggap proyek ini sangat menarik dan bergabung dengan kereta secepat mungkin.

Tentang Defi Non-Sepadan:

Teknologi token Non-Fungible Defi (NFD) yang bertujuan untuk mandiri. Platform ini mengumpulkan banyak protokol. Misalnya, ketika pengguna menyetor, platform akan secara otomatis mengalokasikan dana pengguna ke konsensus terbaru dengan pendapatan tertinggi, dan memberikan pengguna sebuah prasasti Untuk memverifikasi kepemilikan dan pendapatan token Non-fungible defi ( NFD ). Platform ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk menarik token setoran awal dan pendapatan mereka melalui Token NFD yang juga dapat ditukar dengan cryptocurrency apa pun.

Token NFD adalah token tata kelola proyek Non-Fungible Defi. Token akan digunakan untuk mendapatkan akses penuh ke semua produk Defi Non-Fungible. Pemilik token ini akan mendapatkan penghasilan untuk menggunakannya pada produk DeFi terutama melalui platform staking, farming, dan game. Game NFD yang memungkinkan Anda (berpotensi) mendapatkan crypto saat bermain online. Game NFD adalah campuran sensasi dan potensi keuntungan. Memainkan game-game ini untuk berpotensi menghasilkan crypto mengharuskan Anda untuk belajar tentang permainan dan cara menang untuk menerima hadiah uang.

Produk Non-Fungible Defi (NFD) Mendatang:







Semua produk ini NFD Akan dibawa ke pasar. Ini dengan cepat membuat dampak di pasar melalui perencanaan yang benar-benar luar biasa dan sempurna. Ketika produk-produk ini diluncurkan di pasar, produk-produk tersebut pasti akan memiliki efek kualitas yang baik di pasar. Dan NFD kemudian popularitasnya akan meningkat ke level yang lebih besar lagi.



Ikhtisar BEP-20 Token Non-Fungible Defi
Total Pasokan :

  • 50.000
    Token IEO:
    Token Penjualan Pribadi:
    -5,000 Token
    Pertanian/ Staking :
    -10.000 Token
    Token Pertukaran:
    Token Pemasaran:
    Token Airdrop:
    Token Penasihat:
    Token Tim:




Saya sangat percaya bahwa Non-Fungible NFD Coin adalah proyek yang menawarkan banyak hal dalam hal teknologi dan pemanfaatan. Saya benar-benar optimis pada proyek ini dan berharap untuk melihatnya mencapai kesuksesan besar.


Situs web: https://non-fungible-defi.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nfd_token
Grup: https://t.me/nfdofficialchat
Saluran: https://t.me/nfdannouncements

Cc FOUND blog article


A new platform for knowledge and creativity. CCFOUND — promising project.


Information is of great importance today. Information is the influence and development of the community as a whole. The better and more accurate information we receive, the better we delve into the profession or simply understand the meaning.

However, with the creation of the Internet, where the information seemed to be in the public domain. Sometimes it is not so easy to find it. Which is causing a lot of problems. A frequent, important answer to your topic lies in the depths of the internet. Only because the author of the publication is unfamiliar with the SEO algorithms of modern search engines.

As said: Janusz Leon Wiśniewski

> The Internet is a jungle and sometimes it looks like a garbage dump of information. But sometimes you can find genuine pearls in it.

ccFound is a modern startup that creates a unique social network DAO. Which should expand the information capabilities of users around the world. Now it will be easier to get useful information. Direct information from experts, no water required.

What do you need to know about CCFOUND?

Initially, it should be noted that this is a blockchain startup with a global idea. Namely, to benefit society by creating a unique new social network for the dissemination of knowledge and information. Arrange everything that has knowledge of the world and do it in one search plan. In all languages, around the world. Every Internet user will be able to find his answer in the decentralized network! The platform, managed by society according to the DAO system, will be completely transferred to a decentralized management system. Freedom of speech, knowledge and information.

CCFOUND — communication of information is the basis of the project. Integration into a single network. The platform on which the community will develop. Of course, do not forget that on such a platform, authors will be able to monetize their knowledge. This is important. Although for frequent content monetization, it is not important for professionals. They usually want recognition. However, this will not be a bad bonus for their further development!

Three platform elements:
• A social network in which the community shares its knowledge and receives information
• Search engine where users can find solutions to their questions
• Trading platform to sell your knowledge and expertise.

Key elements of the platform (how we will get our knowledge):

• online courses
• live workouts
• consultations
• closed groups
• insider newsletters
• reports and analyzes
• paid webinars
• events and conferences
• e-books and audiobooks

Prospects for the development of CCFOUND.

Personally, I believe that knowledge has no value. Therefore, such projects are capable of developing independently and effortlessly. The main thing is to give users good tools and opportunities. The rest of the community will do it themselves. The project has a bright future. Even in the documents, the project plans to develop for the next 10 years. Which is important for both investors and content creators. The project tells us that it is ready to evolve and surpass all available digital information systems.

ccFOUND will become the world’s most popular educational portal. And these are not empty words, this project is aimed at ambitious plans. And to confirm their words, just go to their website and get acquainted with the information offered. Only after seeing their website, you can understand that the team is aimed at long-term cooperation, since everything is done perfectly.

Development team

This is a truly professional and close-knit team. They came up with an original idea and decided to bring it to life. Having specialists in different directions in the field of information technology, the team managed to implement their own idea. Moreover, this idea is mega cool. And it will help people acquire knowledge bypassing the language barrier. This is a team of enthusiasts for innovative technological solutions. They intend to change the traditional approach to the segment of services for the collection of knowledge, as well as monetization. A team that wants and creates something new, something that has never happened before.

Solution to the problem of knowledge

Sangat sering, Google tidak mensistematisasikan pengetahuan dengan cara yang benar-benar kita butuhkan. Ini adalah mesin pencari yang tanpanya sebagian besar masyarakat tidak dapat berfungsi saat ini. l

ccFOUND is trying to implement an information and knowledge search solution similar to Google’s search network. There are some questions to which Google does not know the answer. That is, there is no suitable answer to your request. How to deal with it. You can try to search your query in English or German. But there are 200 such languages, or even more. You will not, in every language, look for an answer to a request. It is long and it takes a long time.

And ccFOUND solves this problem in an elementary way. It translates your request into all languages ​​of the world, so you can view the response to requests in Korean, Chinese, Romanian and other languages. It does not matter. The main thing is that now you will have access to information from all over the world. And it’s very helpful for people. It is very cool. This removes the language barrier to some extent.

CcFound Token

The issuer has implemented its own type of token, that is, FOUND Coins — ccFOUND (symbol: FOUND), which is created in accordance with the ERC-20 standard. In addition, FOUND can also operate under a smart contract. The ERC20 standard, chosen by the issuer, provides a uniform implementation of features while providing benefits such as easier implementation by developers and the ability to use found coins through third-party software such as cryptocurrency wallets. The token and the great ideas described above in the article allow you to capture popularity, and become a token on a par with Bitcoin.

Coin distribution


4.1 Jalan kita menuju sukses

Hampir semua orang akan segera mengetahui tentang cryptocurrency. Kami berpendapat bahwa antara tahun 2021 dan 2025, blockchain, cryptocurrency, dan koin akan mendapatkan penerimaan pasar secara umum, dan jumlah penggunanya akan meningkat setidaknya sepuluh kali lipat.

Ini model dari kedua Platform. Untuk mempersiapkan perkiraan berikut dari kemungkinan jumlah Pengguna di Platform dalam perkiraan 10 tahun ke depan, jumlah PLN 168 dikonversi ke dolar AS (USD) pada tingkat 3,9.

64.5% Coins for Sale

  • 14.5% for private sale
  • 50% for public sale

35.5% Coins are not for sale

  • 15.5% remains with the issuer
  • 20% is intended for the purchase of the project from the original sponsor

As you can see, the developers have created a clear structure for the distribution of sales, only sixty-four and a half percent is sold, the rest seems to be frozen, and fifteen percent are kept by the issuer. All available coins found were sold. You can participate in ccFOUND Crowdfunding 3.0 to buy tokens if you like. At the moment, the minimum purchase amount is $ 100.

CcFOUND in brief

  • Title: ccFOUND
  • Blockchain: Ethereum Network
  • Symbol: FOUND
  • Total Coins: 2,000,000,000 FOUND Coins
  • Network Type: ERC-20

Official Sites

— filipcoin.com | White paper
Social mediaTwitter | Telegram group | www.facebook.com

Cc FOUND blog article


ccFOUND - The First Worldwide Wisdom Marketplace


About ccFOUND

ccFound helps people invest knowledgeably by providing information in the most natural way known to humans: questions and answers.

ccFOUND is a portal where knowledge-gathering occurs most naturally, through QUESTIONS and ANSWERS. The website will be divided into thematic categories. All content will be automatically translated into many languages using machine learning tools. This will allow for quick globalization of our portal, which teaches and gives creative and profit-making opportunities. ccFOUND will also organize knowledge in a way nobody has done before, solving the problem of informational chaos and making it easier for people to find valuable information.

The first leg of ccFOUND is cryptocurrencies. In this area, the upcoming boom in this market will increase the number of users more than tenfold. Then, we will focus on investing as a whole. Eventually, as ccFOUND will gradually decentralize, it will be up to the community which areas (i.e. medicine) the portal will focus on. ccFOUND is a knowledge exchange for enthusiasts, investors, traders, analysts, journalists, engineers, programmers and complete beginners.


Experts say that the age of information is over. Today, everyone has access to it. We already live in the era of knowledge and wisdom (that are conected with skills and competences), because now they give us an advantage and are a scarce commodity. But today’s tools, such as Google and Wikipedia, are still the solutions of the information era. The one who creates the wisdom search tool will now win on the market.

ccFOUND Problem

Today, access to information alone is not enough to achieve success in a given field. In order to assess or understand, for example, an investment or a disease, you need to do hours of research by opening dozens of tabs in your browser. Effect? We live in a chaos of information overload. The Internet has led us to shallow and hasty processing; the ability to remember and concentrate fades.


It is people who create content for other people. Google makes it easy to find them. But what if there is no answer to the question on the Internet, or it is in a different language? Google does not associate those who ask questions with those who can answer them. Wikipedia leaves no room for an opinion exchange. Quora and Yahoo Answers are de facto entertainment sites and do not organize the knowledge they collect. YouTube, forums, chats and Facebook groups generate a chaotic storm of information. There is a need for a new type of website. Let's organize the Internet again. 

ccFOUND Solution

ccFOUND solves (uberizes) the problem of knowledge and wisdom search similarly to Google – by polling the network – however not of computers, but of other people’s minds. As the only one of aforementioned portals, it monetizes knowledge in a multi-faceted manner and helps people who specialize in a given subject to earn money on it. It allows asking paid questions; inserting paywalls in published responses, news and analyzes; publishing paid e-books, online courses, webinars, and reports; organizing events, trainings and conferences; collecting patrons and donors with access to closed groups and communities.


ccFOUND automatically builds a knowledge base and scales by machine translation of all content into all languages, making each question, response and comment immediately appear in all search engines in each country


ccFOUND will gradually decentralize until it becomes a true DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) with processes independent of central management. ccFOUND issues a FOUND Coin and already carried out a private sale of 14.5% of them, generating $1,35M from 287 investors, preceding a crowdfunding campaign consisting of 280 days of auctions. ccFOUND economy has been designed so that FOUND Coins generate tokends in the form of a commission from transaction profits. This FOUND Coin is designed to grow in value through internal demand and the burning of coins.

Business model

The parent company, Cryptography Research LTD, generates $44.7 per registered user by selling information products, which is the basis for the following sales estimate. ccFOUND will charge min. 20% commission on sales (estimated 25%). ccFOUND pays FOUND Coin holders half of the commission in the form of tokends. 


ccFound revenue will be used to automatically buy back the FOUND Coin thus generating internal demand for FOUND on exchanges. Next, 10% of the FOUND Coin that constitute the platform’s margin are burned, which reduces their supply

FOUND Coins distribution

In terms of the full number of issued FOUND Coins indicated in point 3.2, the process of this distribution will be divided into two segments, where same FOUND Coins will be transferred for traditional sale, while the other part will be allocated to current activities re lated to the lssuer's operations and the development of the Platform itself.

Coin distribution

64.5% FOUND Coins for sale

  • 14.5% for private sale
  •  50% for public sale

35.5% Coins not for sale

  •  15.5% retained by the issuer
  •  20% is intended to buy the project from initial sponsor

Purpose of the distribution process

●  15% – Design

usability tests, UX/UI, improving the appearance, designing DAO processes, creating specifications and requirements for IT;

●  25% – IT

Platform development, employing programmers, code tests and audits, server maintenance;

●  10% – Legal

Legal, administrative and accounting costs;

●  10% - Editorial staff

Creating an editorial department, employing journalists, editors and presenters, building a video recording studio, creating content;

●   20% - Marketing & Fri

Creating promotional materials, advertising and media;

●  20% – Reserve

Reserve capital for unforeseen expenses and a safety buffer;

ccFound Roadmap

Core Team 

Piotr Michalak - CEO / FOUNDER

Daniel Jankowski - CO-FOUNDER 

Karol Kiełtyka - PRODUCT OWNER




To conclude:

The goal of ccFOUND is to create a self-updating, multilingual knowledge base which will simultaneously connect users into one community. ccFOUND is intended to help you learn any topic or solve any problem in the most naturaI way – that is through questions and answers.

For More Information ccFOUND project:

●  https://shop.ccfound.com/

●  https://t.me/ccfchat

●  https://twitter.com/ccfound2

●  https://www.facebook.com/ccFOUND1/

●  https://shop.ccfound.com/media/other/EN/ccFOUND-whitepaper-EN.pdf

●  https://www.linkedin.com/company/ccfound/

●  http://youtube.com/channel/UCeUWDOf5QLZnVr3C-lM4WKA

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